Thursday, January 22, 2009

Utah Studies--Thursday, January 22, 2009

Today in Period 1, 5-7 students took a quiz on the branches of Utah's government.  They also learned how to play "Democracy: The Game."  DUE TOMORROW: Nothing.  PS-Don't worry about voting because the library has been unexpectedly closed all week long.

Today in Period 2 students worked on the Native American Culture Change posters.  DUE TOMORROW: Nothing.  PS-Don't worry about voting because the library has been unexpectedly closed all week long.
Today in Period 3 students took a quiz on the branches of Utah's government.  Then they continued studying the formation of Utah's state government.  DUE TOMORROW: Nothing.PS-Don't worry about voting because the library has been unexpectedly closed all week long.

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