Friday, May 29, 2015

Utah Studies

Today in class students reflected on the lessons they learned about democracy by playing the Democracy Game.  DUE TODAY:  Lessons of the Democracy Game.  DUE SOON:  Q4 Late Work Deadline (Tuesday at 3:20 PM)

US History

Today some students had to take the Civil War Essay test due to not meeting absence, tardiness, and work completion goals. Due to the short periods, students will finish Monday.  DUE MONDAY:  Civil War Essay Tests.  DUE TUESDAY @ 3:20 PM: Q4 Late Work Deadline!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Utah Studies

Today in school students finished the Democracy Game by debating whether a law was discriminatory or not.  Period 5 won the Democracy Game contest!  DUE TODAY:  Nothing.  DUE TOMORROW:  Lessons of the Democracy Game.

US History

Today in class students who did not reach their attendance, tardiness, and work completion goals reviewed for the Civil War Essay Test tomorrow.  DUE TODAY:  Nothing.  DUE TOMORROW:  Civil War Essay Test.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Utah Studies

Today in class students played the first round of the Democracy Game.  Winners will earn a free day from work!  DUE TODAY:  Nothing.  DUE SOON:  Utah Children's Book (next Thursday).

US History

Today in class students finished their Civil War study guides by answering the question: how did the Civil War change us as a nation?  DUE TODAY:  Nothing.  DUE SOON:  Civil War Essay Test (Friday).

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Utah Studies

Today students played a practice round of the Democracy Game.  DUE TODAY:  Nothing.  DUE SOON:  Nothing.

US History

Today students discussed how Reconstruction failed to end racist laws in America.  DUE TODAY:  Nothing.  DUE SOON:  Civil War Essay Test (Friday).

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Utah Studies

Today in class students read a list of 15 ways that citizen's can help support democracy.  Then they worked with a partner to identify the 3 most important ones off that list.  DUE TODAY:  Nothing.  DUE SOON:  Nothing.

US History

Today in class, students defined "total war" and examined how it was used by the Union to destroy the Confederacy.  Also, we discussed the emotional effect winning the war had on people, North and South.  DUE TODAY:  Nothing.  DUE SOON:  Civil War Essay Test (next Friday).

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Utah Studies

Today in class students read about the 3 branches of Utah's state government.  DUE TODAY:  Nothing.  DUE SOON:  Nothing.

US History

Today students finished watching clips from Lincoln showing the difficulty of passing the 13th amendment abolishing slavery.  DUE TODAY:  13th Amendment Video Questions.  DUE SOON:  Civil War Essay Test (next Friday).

Monday, May 18, 2015

Utah Studies

Today in class students began studying civic participation by examining what the differences are between dictatorship and democracy.  DUE TODAY:  Nothing.  DUE SOON:  Nothing.

US History

Today in class students began watching clips from Lincoln in order to understand how he worked to pass the 13th amendment abolishing slavery.  DUE TODAY:  Nothing.  DUE TOMORROW:  13th Amendment Video Questions.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Utah Studies

Today in class students finished learning about the Mountain Meadows Massacre and then learned how the conflict over polygamy affected Utah's chances at becoming a state.  DUE TODAY:  Mountain Meadows Massacre Questions.  DUE SOON:  Nothing.

US History

Today in class students reviewed the Gettysburg Address and then identified changes to North and South during the war.  DUE TODAY: Nothing.  DUE SOON:  13th Amendment Questions (Tuesday).

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Utah Studies

Today in class students began learning about the Mountain Meadows Massacre of 1857.  DUE TODAY:  Nothing.  DUE TOMORROW:  Mountain Meadows Massacre Questions.

US History

Today students watched a video clip about the Battle of Gettysburg and the Gettysburg Address.  Then we read and analyzed the text of that famous speech.  DUE TODAY:  Gettysburg Video Notes. DUE SOON:  13th Amendment Video Questions (Tuesday).

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Utah Studies

Today in class students in Periods 2 and 4 went to a website to learn modern Utah religious demographic statistics.  Periods 5 and 7, though, read an article about how various religious groups reached Utah over the years and the effect that has had on our culture.  DUE TODAY:  Nothing.  DUE SOON:    Mountain Meadows Massacre Questions (Thursday).

US History

Today students concluded their debate on what they thought Lincoln's main goals in issuing the Emancipation Proclamation was: to free the slaves or win the war.  Then we discussed how maybe he felt that there was no way to truly do one without the other.  DUE TODAY:  Presentation of Lincoln Written Argument.  DUE SOON:  13th Amendment Questions (next Tuesday).

Monday, May 11, 2015

Utah Studies

Today in class students in Periods 2 and 4 read an article about the history of various religious groups in Utah.  Periods 5 and 7 did an internet scavenger hunt for religious statistics on the US and Utah using the "Pew Research: Religion and Public Life Project" website.  DUE TODAY:  (Period 5 and 7 only) Religion Scavenger Hunt Questions.  DUE SOON:  Mountain Meadows Massacre Questions (Thursday).

US History

Today in class students began presenting their arguments about whether Lincoln's main goal in issuing the Emancipation Proclamation was to end slavery or win the war.  DUE TODAY:  Nothing.  DUE SOON: Lincoln Written Arguments (tomorrow).

Thursday, May 7, 2015

US History

Today in class students examined the effects the Emancipation Proclamation had on America in 1863.  Then they began examining evidence to help them uncover the main goal Lincoln had in issuing the Emancipation Proclamation.  DUE TODAY:  Nothing.  DUE SOON:  Why Lincoln Issued Emancipation Proclamation Essay (Tuesday).

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

US History

Today in class students learned about the life of Abraham Lincoln before he was president.  Then they read the text of the Emancipation Proclamation to begin understanding it's effect on America in 1863.  DUE TODAY:  Nothing.  DUE SOON:  Why Did Lincoln Issue the Emancipation Proclamation? Essay (next Tuesday).

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Utah Studies

Today in class students continued their Utah Civil Rights Projects.  DUE TODAY:  Nothing.  DUE SOON:  Civil Rights Projects (end of class Wednesday).

US History

Today in class students examined different perspectives from both the North and the South on why the Civil War was necessary.  DUE TODAY:  Nothing.  DUE SOON:  Why Lincoln Issued the Emancipation Proclamation (next Tuesday).

Monday, May 4, 2015

Utah Studies

Today students worked on the Utah Civil Rights poster project.  DUE TODAY:  Nothing.  DUE SOON:  Utah Civil Rights Posters (Wednesday).

US History

Today in class students examined the reasons why the US Civil War killed more Americans than any other war.  Then students went outside and simulated how outdated military tactics were no match for new weaponry during the early years of the war.  DUE TODAY:  Nothing.  DUE SOON:  Why Lincoln Issued the Emancipation Proclamation Essay (next Tuesday).

Friday, May 1, 2015

Utah Studies

Today in class students analyzed a civil rights painting made by Norman Rockwell in 1967.  Then they learned how to create their civil rights posters.  DUE TODAY:  Signed Grade Printoffs.  DUE SOON:  Civil Rights Projects (Wednesday).

US History

Today students read various perspectives on the First Battle of Bull Run and then watched a short video on the Battle of Antietam.  DUE TODAY:  Nothing.  DUE SOON:  Nothing.