Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Utah Studies--Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Today in Period 1 students continued working on their Native American culture change posters.  DUE TOMORROW: Nothing, but 10 points in learning centers are due on Friday!

Today in Period 2 students finished up their notes on the settlement of Utah.  DUE TOMORROW: Nothing, but 10 points in learning centers are due on Friday!

Today in Period 3-7 students began working on their Native American culture change posters.  DUE TOMORROW: Nothing, but 20 points in learning centers are due on Friday!

For the Stretch I hosted today, we had a fantastic speaker, Mike Rose, who has dedicated much of his life to researching the lost stories of Pearl Harbor.  He has a particularly personal interest in this event since he was a 3 year old boy living in Hawaii in that time.

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