Thursday, September 29, 2011

Utah Studies

Today in class students finished discussing the causes of Native American disease and starvation once European-Americans came to Utah. DUE TODAY: Learning Center Check #2 (20 points for Period 2; 15 points for Periods 4, 5, 6). DUE MONDAY: Nothing, but you can turn in late Learning Centers if you need to.

US History

Today in class students continued working on their first Americans poster project. DUE MONDAY: Nothing. DUE TUESDAY: Signed grade print-offs for those whose parents/guardians could not make it to Parent Teacher Conferences on Monday and Tuesday.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Utah Studies

Today in class students read about how European diseases killed many Native Americans and how loss of their land lead to hunger. DUE TOMORROW: Learning Center Check #2 (20 points for Period 2; 15 points for Period 3)!!!!!

US History

Today in class students worked on the Native Americans before 1492 projects. DUE TOMORROW: Nothing.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Utah Studies

Today in class students learned about how European and Native American cultures mixed through trade of goods and ideas. They examined the taco as an example of this. DUE TOMORROW: Nothing. DUE THURSDAY: Learning Center Check #2 (20 points for Period 2; 15 points for Period 4, 5, and 6)!

US History

Today in class students began their Native American culture projects. DUE TOMORROW: Nothing.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Utah Studies

Today in class students learned more about the Mountain Meadows Massacre. DUE TOMORROW: Nothing. DUE THURSDAY: Learning Center Check #2 (20 points for Period 2; 15 points for Periods 4, 5, and 6)

US History

Today in class students did a Native American cultural scavenger hunt in class. Then we reviewed the 6 Native American nations we learned about last week. DUE TOMORROW: Nothing.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Utah Studies

Today in class students finished their Utah Explorer bumper stickers. Then they began reading about the Mountain Meadows Massacre of 1857. DUE TODAY: Utah Explorer bumper stickers! DUE MONDAY: Nothing, but Learning Center Check #2 is due on Thursday! (20 points for Period 2; 15 points for Periods 4,5, and 6)

US History

Today in class students finished reading about 6 different Native American nations who call the United States home. DUE MONDAY: If students did not finish the 6 readings above, this is due at the start of class on Monday.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Utah Studies

Today in class students learned about the first Pacific Islander pioneers to Utah. Then they created bumper stickers advertising why different groups of Europeans first came to Utah and what they did once here. DUE TOMORROW: Nothing. DUE NEXT THURSDAY: Learning Center Check #2 (20 points for Period 2; 15 points for Periods 4, 5, 6)

US History

Today in class students finished their Aztec bumper stickers. Then we began reading about various Native American groups from what is now the United States. DUE TOMORROW: Nothing.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Utah Studies

Today in class students learned why the Latter Day Saints moved to Utah. They also began learning about Pacific Islander LDS converts who came to Utah in the 1870's and 1880's. DUE TODAY: Summary from yesterday's article about Spanish-speakers in Utah. DUE TOMORROW: Nothing.

US History

Today in class students finished discussing Aztec culture. Then they began working on an assignment where they had to make an Aztec culture themed bumper stickers! DUE TODAY: Late Family Ancestry Interviews, if you have them! DUE TOMORROW: We will finish our Aztec bumper stickers at the start of class.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Utah Studies

Today in class students read interviews with modern-day Latin Americans living in Utah. Then they began writing summaries. DUE TOMORROW: We will finish the summaries at the start of class!

US History

Today in class students finished presenting (in small groups) what they learned about the Aztec culture of Mexico. DUE TOMORROW: Nothing, but a lot of students need to turn in their Family Ancestry Interview still!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Utah Studies

Today in class students learned about how the Mexican-American War led to Utah becoming a US territory. Then they also wrote short essays about how their lives could be different if Mexico had won that war. DUE TOMORROW: "What if Mexico Had Won the War?" essays.

US History

Today in class students began learning about the Aztec culture of Mexico, as it was before Europeans arrived. DUE TODAY: Family Ancestry Interviews! DUE TOMORROW: Nothing.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Utah Studies

Today in class students learned about the early European explorers of Utah. DUE MONDAY: Nothing.

US History

Today in class students finished learning about how the first people came to the Americans. Then we watched a short video on three early Native American civilizations: the Anasazi, the Mound Builders, and the Maya. DUE MONDAY: Family Ancestry Interviews.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Utah Studies

Today in class students learned about the first Europeans to come to Utah: Spanish explorers Dominguez and Escalante. DUE TOMORROW: Nothing, but please turn in your late learning centers if you have them!

US History

Today in class students began learning about how it was that people first came to North and South America. DUE TOMORROW: Nothing. DUE MONDAY: Family Ancestry Interviews!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Utah Studies

Today students finished taking notes about the many different Utah Native American cultures. DUE TODAY: Learning Center Check #1 (30 points for Period 2, 20 points for Periods 4, 5,6)!!!!
DUE TOMORROW: Nothing, but please turn in Learning Center Check #1 if you did not turn it in today!!!!

US History

Today in class students went to a National Geographic website to investigate how their ancestors ended up where they did. DUE TODAY: Nothing. DUE TOMORROW: Nothing.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Utah Studies

Today in class students learned about the many different Utah Native American cultures from the first Paleo-Indians to the later Anasazi and Fremont cultures. DUE TOMORROW: Learning Center Check #1 (30 points for Period 2; 20 points for Periods 4, 5, 6)!!!!!!!!!

US History

Today in class students took the US Political Map Test. DUE TOMORROW: Nothing, but we will be starting a new unit on Native American Cultures before 1492.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Utah Studies

Today in class students listened to the Navajo Creation Story in order to better understand another culture! DUE TOMORROW: Nothing. DUE WEDNESDAY: Learning Center Check #1 (30 points for Period 2; 20 points for Periods 4, 5, 6)!!!!!!

US History

Today in class students reviewed for the second, and final, US geography test that will happen tomorrow! It is a US Political Map test meaning it test students on states, cities, and other countries with important ties to the United States. DUE TOMORROW: Test!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Utah Studies

Today in class 2nd Period took their Utah Map and Timeline Test. All other periods began studying Utah Native Americans (before Europeans came here). They began by reading Ute stories and then re-telling those stories as plays or comic strips. DUE MONDAY: Nothing. DUE WEDNESDAY: Learning Center Check #1!!!! (Begin working on these as homework this weekend!)

US History

Today students finished up their 3 US Political Maps (important countries outside of the US, important states, important cities). DUE MONDAY: Nothing. DUE TUESDAY: Utah Political Map Test!!! (Begin studying over the weekend!)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Utah Studies

Today my 2nd Period attended an assembly. But my 4th, 5th, and 6th Periods all took their Utah Map and Timeline Test. DUE TODAY: Test (for Periods 4,5, 6). DUE TOMORROW: Test (for Period 2).

US History

Today in class my 1st Period attended an assembly. They will have to catch up with 7th period who began working on US Political Maps today. DUE TODAY: Nothing. DUE TOMORROW: US Political Maps at the end of class.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Utah Studies

Today in class students reviewed the Utah Timeline because the test will be tomorrow! DUE TOMORROW: Utah Map and Timeline Test!

US History

Today in class students took the US Physical Map Test. DUE TOMORROW: Nothing. DUE FRIDAY: US Political Map assigments.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Utah Studies

Today in class students reviewed for the Utah Map and Timeline test we will take in class on Thursday. DUE TOMORROW: Nothing. DUE THURSDAY: Utah Map and Timeline Test.

US History

Today in class students reviewed for the US Physical Map test. DUE TOMORROW: Physical map test! DUE NEXT WEEK: US Political Map test.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Utah Studies

Today students reviewed their map of Utah by playing a map review game. DUE TUESDAY: Nothing. DUE THURSDAY: Utah Map and Timeline Test.

US History

Today students reviewed their physical maps for a test which will be on Wednesday. DUE TUESDAY: Nothing. DUE WEDNESDAY: US Physical Map Test.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Utah Studies

Today students finished their Utah maps and then read a Utah timeline showing important dates from Utah's history. DUE TOMORROW: Nothing. DUE NEXT THURSDAY: Utah Map and Timeline Test! (Students should begin studying the map and timeline handouts you received in class.)

US History

Today students finished some physical maps of Utah. DUE TOMORROW: In class, we will do more US maps. DUE WEDNESDAY: We will take a US physical map test. Students can begin studying all the different map handouts they have done so far.